Recent Articles
The god action anti-pattern in Redux
The “god action” is an anti-pattern in Redux where an action has the ability to update all the keys of a state. Here’s what that might look like in TypeScript: interface S...
Sharing ASP.NET Core 2.0 controllers with authorization and configuration
With ASP.NET Core 2.0 it’s easy to publish APIs as libraries and include them in your other projects. This is helpful because it allows you to build end-to-end functionalit...
Building this Blog with Jekyll and Gulp
Lately I’ve been experimenting with different JavaScript build systems - namely Grunt and gulp. After deciding that I like gulp more (this is not a Grunt vs. gulp post), I’...
How mcnagg Works
Mike has been bugging me to write a blog post for a while now, so here’s one on mcnagg, why I made it, what it does, and how it works (also a rambly middle section where I ...
A Project Involving Socorro
As part of my Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Auckland, I am required to complete a year long research project with a partner. At the end of the project we pre...